Thursday, 25 July 2013

Does Lipozene work for Weight Loss ?

Lipozene - Weight Loss Supplement

Product : Lipozene
Price :  $15  USD
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Lipozene Review: Best Weight Loss supplement

People do all possible ways to reduce their excessive weight. Some of them pick the natural weight loss supplements to shed the excess weight but fail to do so. As the natural weight loss supplements require more periods to cut their weight and while taking natural weight loss supplements a specific diet plan is also required. The weight loss supplements like lipozene which are made of natural ingredients like glucomannan with other minor ingredients are serving people for weight loss. Let us have a look at lipozene, which is another product for weight loss which promises weight loss.
What is Lipozene?

Lipozene is offered by the Institute of Obesity Research. It claims to be a fiber based weight loss product which has glucomannan as its key ingredient. Glucomannan is a natural fiber which is derived from the Konjac root. This ingredient is believed to treat the complications like obesity and increase in the cholesterol levels. It is said to be safe and effective, can also reduce the weight by decreasing the body fat.

Lipozene Ingredients

Lipozene is said to be having natural water soluble ingredient like glucomannan, extracted from the Konjac root which is grown in China, India, Japan and Korea. Glucomannan is believed to treat the health issues like increase in the levels of cholesterol, obesity and constipation for many years.

Glucomannan contain fiber when consumed, expands its size in the belly making a feeling full experience. Lipozene works as an appetite suppressant. Clinical studies conducted on lipozene users proved it an effective weight loss aid in some but not in all the users. The minor ingredients include green tea, small amount of vitamins.

Advantages by using Lipozene :

·         It is an appetite suppressant.
·         This product doesn't contain any stimulants like caffeine; so it is excellent for people with stimulant sensitivity.

Final Words on Lipozene :

Lipozene besides being a natural and a popular weight loss aid, with glucomannan as a key ingredient hasn’t provided the adequate information to the users. Without a complete list of ingredients, it’s ambiguous and uncertain to say that the product is safe and effective to use. It is good to use the other weight loss products which are from a reputable manufacturer rather than a manufacturer who doesn’t provide adequate product information.

Best Deals and Pricing Available @ Amazon 

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Kids Health Care

Many Parents struggle to develop their child to take healthy food. Now-a –days people with full time work, are unable to concentrate and manage to feed healthy food to their kids. A healthy with balanced diet can make child proper growth. The perfect diet should include fresh fruits and veggies, so that child can develop with vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients.

Kids’ diet must include dairy products. Milk contains rich calcium which makes strong bones and teeth healthy. Routine diet should contain rich protein food such as fish, eggs, meat and pulses. Proteins help the body function properly and build muscle and make improvement in hemoglobin. Another rich food specifies leafy vegetables, cereals or oats which has high iron and fiber. Carbohydrates keep the child energetic and active. Fats helps energy source and absorb fat soluble vitamins. Minerals required for healthy teeth, muscles and strong bones. Fiber helps for digest food and makes functioning of intestine correctly. Proteins make child growth faster. The child can get nutrients for physical growth should take high nutrition diet. The essential food to develop the child physically must take proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and fats. Proteins we can get from dairy products like milk, curd, cheese etc. Eggs, Fish, chicken, pulses, rice, wheat, corn etc can have carbohydrates, Fruits and vegetables, leafy vegetables, nuts etc contains vitamins and minerals. We can get fats from Ghee, meat, seafood etc.

Child brain develops at the age of 5 up to 90%. For proper growth and development child needs adequate amount of nutrients. Nutrients may help the child in mental growth and development. The crucial stage of child growth is in between 2 to 10 years. During this period, there will be an improvement in physical and mental developments. If our child is a fussy eater then it may affect in nutrient deficiency. Inadequate nutrient may affect on growth of the kid. Nutrient deficiency may lead to loss of nutrients like Vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium affects immunity in child. Weaker immunity makes infections susceptible in child.
Most fussy eating children are under age below 10.Parent should be role model for child in taking healthy food. Food should never be struggle between parent and child. During meals don’t allow book, toys and other electronic games. Allow your child to make self-feeding. Make your child to recognize hungry and treat accordingly. Time gap of 3 to 4 hours must be maintained between meals and snacks. Feeding Time must not extend to 30min, even if it is insufficient food. Teach your child to eat at the table even in an appropriate way, until the parents had their food.

Today’s problem is children are addicted to computer games, televisions and more electronic gadgets, so that child may not have enough exercise. In olden days children use to play out and would have more exercise and more breath. Due to breathing more can make lungs clear. Running makes child active and it leads to hunger. If child takes proper diet at right time makes body healthy and wise. In addition to exercise, child need sound sleep as well, child grow mainly at rest time.

If you feel the child is healthy, even better consult doctor regularly. The regular checkups will be beneficial to prevent disease at starting stage. And need to know about child’s proper growth. Something’s need to be noted at the time of regular checkups.Must checks the weight of the baby, if it is gain or loss. Check if child has proper sound sleep and facing any worry-sleep. Breathing problem need to check or if any sort of difficulty. As the skin is very sensitive, common disease is skin infections. Parents should be more careful I children medicines. Without any prescription don’t experiment on your child. The dosage of medicine is mainly dependent on age of the kid.

So, Parents be careful to provide your child safe environment and avoid potential dangers.

Importance of YOGA

Yoga is a Sanskrit word of an eastern language. It makes body, mind and spirit unite. Yoga is a physical exercise and makes mind relaxation. It is mainly focus on physical poses called “Asana”. There are many asana’s, each has its own importance. Each yoga style can move the body in new style. Each style makes the body flexible, strength and benefit. Yoga practitioners say it reduces stress and anxiety, makes mind refresh. Improves concentration and healthy heart, reduces cholesterol levels and increases immunity power. It makes change in people mental and physical health. The fact that reside in yoga is healthy body have healthy mind. So the poses of yoga are designed to treat the body parts and make body slim fit as well as provide freshness of mind. Some respiration exercise like pranayam, kapalbharti, balasana will beat fatness. These asana’s help s in blood circulation and remove unwanted air, takes fresh oxygen to brains and lungs. Backbends increase blood flow to the brain; this can relax you and feel better. It removes body pain mainly back pain.
Hatha Yoga is physical part of yoga lifestyle. Some specific poses based on breathing, some involves meditation.

Types of Hatha Yoga include:
·       Ashtanga Yoga helps you to build strength, concentration, stamina and flexibility.
·       Bikaram Yoga called as hot yoga. It is done in room temperature more than 100F and focused on stamina and purification.
·       Gentle Yoga name itself explains stretches slowly, makes flexibility and deep breathing.
·       Kundali Yoga has different poses which brings energy back with meditation and chanting.
·       Restorative Yoga helps the body to relax well with a simple position for some period of time.
·       Vinyasa  (or) Power Yoga is most popular in united states which improves strength and stamina. It is same as Ashtanga Yoga.

Yoga can slowly reduce the Obesity. It burns calories and controls the fat level. Some body parts can increases the fat level and causes obesity. For Ex: Liver makes blood purification and storage fat. If it is a healthy liver, takes the good fat which helps the body and disposes the bed fat. If liver is strengthened then we can reduce the obesity fortunately. Some of the asana’s namely Bhujangasana is a cobra pose, Dharmasana looks as bow pose and chakrasana a wheel pose helps liver to function properly and turns to weight loss.

Tips need to follow while practicing Yoga is:
·       Startup with gentle poses and goon with stronger ones.
·       Throughout the practice breathe evenly through nose.
·       Don’t quickly change your poses.
·       If any pose hurts you, stop it.
·       Choose the poses which are comfort to your mood and energy.
·       Don’t practice continuously in front of mirror and should focus on the pose you do.
Apart of Yoga, food habits should be an organic food and must have healthy nutrients. By following food particulars as well as yoga exercise daily can return to an ideal weight.
Primary Importance of yoga is which clothes are suitable to wear. Wear fabric clothes make breathing easy. Cotton material is best for yoga. Sleeveless or short sleeves will be comfortable and next important thing is to sit on yoga MAT. It will be comfortable on hard floors.
Yoga considered as high performance exercise. Other exercises like cycling, Joging, swimming makes physical development where as yoga can help in physical as well as mental refreshment. Yoga can help for all age groups. For children yoga improves memory, concentration level increases high, makes mid discipline. For teenagers it restores energy levels. For youngsters, removes and regains inner strength. In Old age can make muscular complications better. Pregnant woman can be stress relief with yoga and resume energy. It can improve the child health in her womb.

So Yoga is more important to life and be addict to yoga makes you healthy and successful relaxed life.

Know More about Migraine

Migraine is a chronic neurological disorder. It causes mainly due to mixture of environment and as well as genetic factors. It has typical headache to one half of the head lasting for 2 to 72 hours. It results in combining the blood vessels enlargement and chemical release from nerve fibers that coil around the blood vessels. During headache, the location of outside skull under the skin of the temple of an artery enlarges. This releases chemicals that cause inflammation, pain and artery enlargement further. The migraine headache affects in sympathetic nervous system which responds with nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. This affects in food absorption, decreases blood circulation, sensitivity increases to light and sound, leads to cold hands and feet also. It has sensory warning signs such as blind spot, tingling in arms and legs, flashes of light, nausea, vomiting.
          Migraine headaches are classified to two types. Migraine with aura (formally known as classic migraine) and migraine without aura (formally known as common migraine). Classic migraine is complicated which has no warning signs and occurs with movement, speech or other problems of nervous system. Classic migraine starts with visual disturbance called an aura have signs before headache starts. Aura lasts for less than an hour. After aura ends headache begins with less than an hour. Most auras affects with visual disturbances. Another aura type have unusual sensations such as numbness and lips tingling, lower face and fingers.
Types of migraine:
·       Exertion migraines: This effects more quickly than other. This is developed b overextend yourself while exercising and dehydration. It affects by heavy lifting, fit sneezing or even bend over.
·       Retinal migraines: It results to temporarily loss of eye vision. Losing eye vision before headache starts.
·       Hemipleic migraines: It is a scary type. This type of migraines causes temporary paralysis for one side of the body to the migraine forming on.
·       Ophtalmoplegic migraines: This is long lasting migraine types. This starts with pain around the eye and problems of eye continuous throughout the entire migraine. Common symptoms of this type are blurred vision and visual distortions.
·       Noctural migraines: It is very rare type and causes at night.
·       Basilar artery migraines: Are usually occurring to teen girls or young women. This leads to dizziness, vomiting and speech problem.
·       Abdominal migraines: It does not involve in head pain. It causes stomach ache, vomiting and nausea occurs after stomach pain starts. It is most commonly seen in young children.

Migraine caused by:
          Migraine can be identifying clearly with headaches. Some migraines are caused by
·       Allergic reactions
·       Bright light, high noises, perfumes smell.
·       Stress by physically or emotionally.
·       Irregular sleep or change in sleep pattern.
·       Smoke pattern.
·       Fasting or skipping meals.
·       Alcohol abuse.
·       Pills of birth control, fluctuations in menstrual cycle.
·       Tension headaches.
·       Food such as nuts, chocolates, avocado, banana, citrus, onion, milk products or pickled foods.
·       Hormonal changes in women
·       Abnormal brain activity.

Symptoms of migraine is mainly headache, some other symptoms include,
·       Head pain pulsing and throbbing.
·       During physical activity pain increases.
·       Due to pain, performing regular activities will be difficult.
·       Nausea
·       Vomiting
·       Sensitivity of light and sound increases.
Risk factors of migraine include
·       It may run in families.
·       It occurs more often for women than men
·       Some pregnant women may effect to fewer migraines.

Treatment for migraine:

          If you are frequent migraines, consult a doctor and take prescribed medicines to reduce many attacks. Medicine should take regularly without fail. Medications may include Antidepressants, blood pressure medicines, and seizure medicines. Some medicines of migration make your blood vessels narrow. Consult your health provider for treating migraine if you have heart disease.

These are some points to know about migraine and may helpful for you or your family members who are suffering from migraine.

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Know More About H1N1 Virus

Swine flu is a respiratory disease affected by viruses. It first effects to pigs and pass to the humans who had direct contact with pig, and spreads from human to human. Officially it is called as ‘Novel influenza A (H1N1)’. Swine refers to pigs, hogs and boars. People are very scared about this highly infectious virus spreading all over the world. The flu viruses may mutate, so can easily transmissible among humans. Virus of flu is very tiny particles. It is contagious among swine. It makes domesticated pigs very sick. It affects the person who directly deals with pigs and spreads from person to person in past. But recently it caused by new strain virus known as Type A and the subtype is H1N1. So flu is called as influenza A H1N1 or H1N1 flu. This new strain is developing rapidly and till now no one had a chance to create antibodies or protection against the flu. Flu viruses spread from person to person through cough or sneeze. Some people may infect by touching anything which have flu virus and touching the same hand to their mouth or nose. It is wrong statement that people may not affect to flu by eating cooked pork. Children who infect to this flu might be contagious for longer periods.

Symptoms of Swine flu:

Symptoms of flu will be similar to seasonal flu. Symptoms include high temperature, runny nose, cough, sore throat, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, body aches, weakness and fatigue. Results of swine flu have severe illness and deaths. It is very important to note that if you indicate the symptoms, soon you have to consult a physician and need medical attention.
If you suspect that you are affected with swine flu, seek medical advice

·       If you are seriously ill.
·       If you are pregnant.
·       If child is sick under one year of age.
·       Suddenly if your condition worse.
·       Still if your condition gets worse after seven days.
If the symptoms are mild, keep yourself hydrated, take rest, and practice good hygiene. Children may affect to swine flu with neurologic symptoms, it can be very severe. Symptoms can cause seizures or change in mental status, they may cause by Reye’s syndrome, which usually occurs with viral illness in children.


Prevention is better than cure. Know some of the preventive measures to avoid getting swine flu.
·       Cover your mouth and nose. As swine flu spreads through the air, so better cover your mouth and nose while coughing or sneezing.
·       If you are at crowded area, better to wash your hands and face regularly. Because the virus will not stay on your skin and will be washed off. Use warm water and hand wash soaps to wash the hands, so the virus can be killed easily.
·       If you are dealing with swine flu infected person better to avoid frequent touching him/her. The reason is if you have much contact with infected person, there is a chance that you may infect to the flu, because the virus spreads to skin easily.
·       If you have relevant symptoms of swine flu better stay at home as it help the other people getting infected. And avoid the crowded area.
·       If you are infected with swine flu and medical attention is recommended.

The people who are at high risk of severe disease are
·       People with liver disease, kidney problem, blood disorder, neurologic disorder, neuromuscular disorder, metabolic disorder, cardiovascular condition.
·       Kid under 12 months of age.
·       Elders over 65 ages.
·       Pregnant woman.

Treatment of swine flu:

Prevention by vaccination is best way of treating swine flu. Treatment is to decrease the body pains and high temperature. Part of swine flu treatment includes plenty of rest, fluids and supportive therapy. Most physicians prescribe tamiflu or relenze for treatment or prevention with swine flu. Although it may not cure the flu but controls or reduces the symptoms of flu until body recovers. Antiviral drugs stop reproducing flu virus in your body.

So be aware of swine flu, get knowledge and need to fight with swine flu. Protect yourself and your family

Treatments for Epilepsy - Epilepsy Symptoms

Epilepsy other name is seizure or Fits. It is a brain disorder. It affects the interaction between nerve cells and when there is sudden electrical discharge in the brain. The person if hit by a seizure may lose his consciousness, lose the sense of the body control, panic or irrational fear. It affects anyone, does not depends on age and ethnicity. Disruption may affects to one part or the entire brain. Disruption to the one part of the brain is known as partial, or seizure. If it is to the entire brain is known as generalized seizure.
Partial seizures are two types: Complex partial seizure and simple partial seizure.
Generalized seizures are Absence seizure, Atomic seizure, Myoclonic seizure, Tonic- clonic seizure.

Few things below develop epilepsy in a person:
·       Pre-natal illness that affects the fetus’s brain.
·       Complications occur during child’s birth.
·       Infections such as meningitis or encephalitis directly affects the brain
·       Brain injury due to accident.
·       Brain tumor, strokes, drug abuse etc.

Symptoms of Epilepsy:
During seizure, physical changes may occur, that includes shaking of the body causes by an involuntary repetitive contraction of a muscle that lasts for a short time. Changes will be in behavior, emotions or sensations also. Different symptoms can be seen for different types of seizures.
Partial or focal seizure:
1.    Complex partial seizure:
·       Different emotional facial expression.
·       Awareness difference
·       Arms moving and rubbing hands without intending.
·       Staring.
·       Wandering.
2.    Simple partial seizure:
·       Emotions get altered.
·       The way of things look, smell, feel, taste or sound changes.
·       Dreamy state.
·       Unprovoked emotion.
During partial or focal seizure, change in perception is generally differing from person to person. The above two types of seizure will not have loss of consciousness.
Generalized seizure:
1.    Absence seizure:
Mostly children will be affected to this type. The movements will be different as compared to the normal stage. This includes position change of hands, lips smacking.
2.    Atonic seizure:
Loss of muscle control, causes a person will fall to the ground results in atonic seizure. Loss of consciousness will not occur.
3.    Myoclonic seizure:
Limbs, mouth, other parts jerking will be incontrollable. Within limited time it affects.
4.    Tonic-clonic seizure:
This seizure will suddenly exhibit. After the seizure person will be unconsciousness, suffers with headache. Violent movement of the body, loss of bladder control, loss of bowel control during or after seizure. Breathing stops temporarily.

Treatments for Epilepsy:
·       Pharmacotherapy: Seizure will be controlled by early effectual treatment along with anti-epileptic drugs will cure up to seventy percent.
·       Surgical therapy: In surgical therapy there are latest enhancements and diagnostic technology.

Nutritional supplements and natural remedies for treating epilepsy:
Deficiency of nutrients may affect the electrical activity to the brain. Nutrients include vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Excess of vitamin B-3 or vitamin B-6 can cause seizures. If vitamin A levels are extremely less can also cause seizures. To restore the brain to non-seizure state, we need to do quantum brain healing uses amino acid therapy along with nutrition supplements. To rewire the brain we can use acupuncture with correct supplements. It is more difficult to treat the children who born with epilepsy. Epilepsy patient should take small meals instead of taking heavily. The natural remedy to an epilepsy patient should stay in relaxed environment. Should do minimum exercises regularly. Once in a week fruit diet is good. Epilepsy can’t be cured but it is controlled. Surgery is done for complex situations.

The people will be better capable for treating seizures, if they are diagnosed with epilepsy. If any suspects of seizure, better consult your doctor to suggest you best course of treatment.

Types of Drugs - Effects and Prevention

A substance which changes physically and psychologically will be in the form of liquid, solid or gas is called as “DRUG”. Drug effects on central nervous system and brain which changes the feelings, behavior and thinking. These drugs are known as ‘Psychoactive drugs’.
Drugs are classified to legal and illegal drugs. Legal drugs have the control of laws and regulations for availability, quality and price.
E.g. selling tobacco to age fewer than 18 is a crime. Illegal drugs are illegally sold such as heroin and ecstasy.
Drug addiction causes brain disease which is harmful and changes in functionality of brain. Repeating drug abuse may effect in self controlling of person and will fail in making own decisions. It is very difficult to stop abusing drugs addicted person. Fortunately, there are some treatments that help the addicted person to regain his control. Most patients ensured success through behavioral thera py.
Effects on central nervous system:
Mainly three types of drugs are affecting on central nervous system.
·       Depressants: Is a drug which slows down the functioning of central nervous system. Person will not feel depressed by taking this drug. For e.g. alcohol, cannabis, GHB, benzodiazepines, some solvents and inhalants. Lesser quantity of depressants may feel a person more relaxed and inhibits less. Larger quantity makes unconsciousness, vomiting and even death. If effects in concentration and in unexpected situations person’s ability may slows down.
·       Stimulants: It makes alert. It acts on central nervous system, it speeds up messaging to and from the brain Person will be more awake, confident. Body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate increases. It reduces appetite, talkativeness and sleep disturbance. Stimulants will be mild in coffee caffeine, tea and cola drinks, nicotine in tobacco. Stimulants will be stronger in cocaine, ecstasy, slimming tablets. Larger quantities can cause anxiety, panic, headaches, stomach cramps.
·       Hallucinogens: Effects in perception. Persons who are addicted may believe or feel the things which are not present. It is a great deal to predict affecting hallucinogens to a particular person at particular time. These include datura, LSD, Mescaline, PCP, ketamin. Some effects of hallucinogens include emotional & psychological euphoria, talking or laughing, reality contact will be less, irrational behavior, nausea, stomach cramps, sweating, and loss of appetite.

Higher quantity affects on the body is more when the drug is taken more. Drugs act very quickly if they are injected or inhaled. Same time effects will be more. The fastest acting method is snorting through the nose. Time take to effect to effect the drug is eaten or swallowed. Person’s physical characteristics (height, weight and gender) influence the effects by drug. Drugs can cause accidents, relationship problems, health problems, sexual problems etc.

Types of drugs and effects:
·       Cocaine: It is originated from the leaves of coca plants. It effects on central nervous system as stimulant. It can effects from 20 minutes to several hours, mainly depends on dosage. It increases heart rate, blood pressure, restlessness.
·       Methamphetamine: Abbreviated to meth or ice. It directly enters brain and causes excitement and euphoria. Persons often perform cleaning, hand-washing, excess sleeping, eating, depression.
·       Crack cocaine: It was created during early 1980’s and nicknamed as crack. The effect of crack lasts for 10- 15 minutes. It increases confident and energy.
·       Ecstasy: It is a recreational drug which increases awareness of senses, openness, love, happiness, mental clarity. Other side effects are jaw clenching and elevated pulse.
·       Marijuana: In other words cannabis. It is in herbal form. It effects within minute.

Prevention for drug addiction:
It is big risk if you fall back into a drug addiction. You lose your control if you start using it.
·       Avoid drug crowd: Don’t go to the place where you’ll get your drugs and don’t meet or stay away to your old drug crowd.
·       If you use drug again, get help immediately: Talk to someone who helps you in the situation if you use drug again. For e.g. mental health provider, doctor.
·       Stay with your treatment plan: Continue the treatment until you are drug-free. Don’t stop visiting your psychotherapist till you recover.

It is not a safe-level using a drug. So be aware of harmful drugs       and avoid using the illegal drugs and lead the life happily.