Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Know More about Migraine

Migraine is a chronic neurological disorder. It causes mainly due to mixture of environment and as well as genetic factors. It has typical headache to one half of the head lasting for 2 to 72 hours. It results in combining the blood vessels enlargement and chemical release from nerve fibers that coil around the blood vessels. During headache, the location of outside skull under the skin of the temple of an artery enlarges. This releases chemicals that cause inflammation, pain and artery enlargement further. The migraine headache affects in sympathetic nervous system which responds with nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. This affects in food absorption, decreases blood circulation, sensitivity increases to light and sound, leads to cold hands and feet also. It has sensory warning signs such as blind spot, tingling in arms and legs, flashes of light, nausea, vomiting.
          Migraine headaches are classified to two types. Migraine with aura (formally known as classic migraine) and migraine without aura (formally known as common migraine). Classic migraine is complicated which has no warning signs and occurs with movement, speech or other problems of nervous system. Classic migraine starts with visual disturbance called an aura have signs before headache starts. Aura lasts for less than an hour. After aura ends headache begins with less than an hour. Most auras affects with visual disturbances. Another aura type have unusual sensations such as numbness and lips tingling, lower face and fingers.
Types of migraine:
·       Exertion migraines: This effects more quickly than other. This is developed b overextend yourself while exercising and dehydration. It affects by heavy lifting, fit sneezing or even bend over.
·       Retinal migraines: It results to temporarily loss of eye vision. Losing eye vision before headache starts.
·       Hemipleic migraines: It is a scary type. This type of migraines causes temporary paralysis for one side of the body to the migraine forming on.
·       Ophtalmoplegic migraines: This is long lasting migraine types. This starts with pain around the eye and problems of eye continuous throughout the entire migraine. Common symptoms of this type are blurred vision and visual distortions.
·       Noctural migraines: It is very rare type and causes at night.
·       Basilar artery migraines: Are usually occurring to teen girls or young women. This leads to dizziness, vomiting and speech problem.
·       Abdominal migraines: It does not involve in head pain. It causes stomach ache, vomiting and nausea occurs after stomach pain starts. It is most commonly seen in young children.

Migraine caused by:
          Migraine can be identifying clearly with headaches. Some migraines are caused by
·       Allergic reactions
·       Bright light, high noises, perfumes smell.
·       Stress by physically or emotionally.
·       Irregular sleep or change in sleep pattern.
·       Smoke pattern.
·       Fasting or skipping meals.
·       Alcohol abuse.
·       Pills of birth control, fluctuations in menstrual cycle.
·       Tension headaches.
·       Food such as nuts, chocolates, avocado, banana, citrus, onion, milk products or pickled foods.
·       Hormonal changes in women
·       Abnormal brain activity.

Symptoms of migraine is mainly headache, some other symptoms include,
·       Head pain pulsing and throbbing.
·       During physical activity pain increases.
·       Due to pain, performing regular activities will be difficult.
·       Nausea
·       Vomiting
·       Sensitivity of light and sound increases.
Risk factors of migraine include
·       It may run in families.
·       It occurs more often for women than men
·       Some pregnant women may effect to fewer migraines.

Treatment for migraine:

          If you are frequent migraines, consult a doctor and take prescribed medicines to reduce many attacks. Medicine should take regularly without fail. Medications may include Antidepressants, blood pressure medicines, and seizure medicines. Some medicines of migration make your blood vessels narrow. Consult your health provider for treating migraine if you have heart disease.

These are some points to know about migraine and may helpful for you or your family members who are suffering from migraine.

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