Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Health Care During Pregnancy

One of the most rewarding life experiences is motherhood. The most crucial time in a woman’s life is pregnancy. The important thing to remember is taking care of you. During pregnancy body may undergo with sudden rapid changes. Arm yourself with more suggestions and many ways to keep you and your baby healthy. First examine yourself if you think, you might be a pregnant. If it is positive, take an appointment of your healthcare provider, they probably do the pregnancy test and figure it out of how many weeks pregnant and will predict the delivery date. Pregnancy period is of 42 weeks. During this period, you may get new surprises and new growth of every week. If there is no complications and if you are healthy, most of the healthcare providers will tell you to visit for every 4 weeks till 28th week of pregnancy and for next 32 weeks should visit for every 2 weeks and until delivery time every week should visit. During the checkups, they regularly check weight and blood pressure and of course the growth and development of the baby.

Complications occur during pregnancy:

During mid to late pregnancy two common conditions are pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes. To pregnant woman these are the most distinct clinical conditions.
Pre-eclampsia is a dangerous condition which makes high blood pressure with kidney failure and may cause to baby death. Gestational diabetes is dangerous to both baby and mother.
The position of sleep is more important during pregnancy. Most of the doctors recommend sleeping on the left side, due to have less pressure on the vital organs internally ad mostly true in trimester. Lying on the left side, to the placenta will have proper blood flow. Sleeping in comfortable positions makes hearts job easy and keep progressive in baby’s weight. Blood flow from heart to feet reduces swelling of your legs.

Healthy diet for pregnant woman:

Eating healthy diet leads to a successful pregnancy and reduces complications and will have proper fetal growth. At this time mother should take enough food for both. Choose high calorie foods like whole grains. Everyday 1,500 mg of calcium need to take, this helps for bone growth of fetus and prevents losing the bone density of the mother. Throughout the pregnancy should take the right amount of calcium. Calcium foods include green leafy vegetables and dairy products. Another important food for pregnant women is iron. Iron will be more in fish, poultry, eggs, green leafy vegetables. Constipation is through iron supplements. Most important for fetal growth is Folic acid. Folic acid prevents birth defects of 70% for new born babies need to take more than 400mg every day. Folic acid is mainly found in natural foods like oranges, grains, beans, dark green vegetables. Should take plenty of water to hydrate the body. Alcohol need to avoid and smoking should quit. Meals should not skip. Don’t follow restrictive diet. Variety of foods needs to include. Eat at regular time so sugar levels will be constant. Avoid swordfish, tilefish, undercooked food which has mercury levels high. Take the suggestions of healthcare provider bout the taking supplements. Take the good nutrients can prevent unnecessary weight gain which may cause complications later.

We have three trimester of pregnancy. During the first trimester (1-14 weeks) body may have some changes. It will have a bit confusing and worry some. Women can hear baby’s heartbeat at the week 12 and some may varies. Second trimester (15-28 weeks) belly starts growing in second trimester. More frequent of prenatal visits. Baby’s weight will be about 1.2 pounds. Gender of our baby can be known via ultrasound. Third trimester (29-40 weeks) between six to nine months. At this time, there will be an improvement in lungs and respiratory systems. In between 37 to 42 weeks baby grows completely. Baby average weight is 7.5 pounds and long is 18 – 21 inches. In third trimester most women feel exciting as the due date approaches.

Some exercises for pregnant period:

Exercises divided to two parts. Cardiovascular related exercise and strength & flexibility exercise.
Cardiovascular related exercises:
·        Swimming: Without any risk it impacts an arms and legs. Women feel it as a light weight and safest exercise.
·        Mild walk: It is best cardiovascular exercise. It prevents from knee & ankle pain and keeps fit. It improves heart pumping and maintains blood levels.
·        Dancing: Dance to your favorite music which increases heart rating.

Flexibility & strength exercise:
·        Yoga: It keeps body flexible power of muscles will be strengthened.
·        Stretching & weight training makes body flexible which helps in pain relief during pregnancy period.

These are some exercises which reduces pain during pregnancy. Follow the steps which helps in reducing miscarries. If you have happy and healthy pregnancy leads to beautiful and healthy baby.

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