Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Kids Health Care

Many Parents struggle to develop their child to take healthy food. Now-a –days people with full time work, are unable to concentrate and manage to feed healthy food to their kids. A healthy with balanced diet can make child proper growth. The perfect diet should include fresh fruits and veggies, so that child can develop with vitamins, minerals, fiber and other nutrients.

Kids’ diet must include dairy products. Milk contains rich calcium which makes strong bones and teeth healthy. Routine diet should contain rich protein food such as fish, eggs, meat and pulses. Proteins help the body function properly and build muscle and make improvement in hemoglobin. Another rich food specifies leafy vegetables, cereals or oats which has high iron and fiber. Carbohydrates keep the child energetic and active. Fats helps energy source and absorb fat soluble vitamins. Minerals required for healthy teeth, muscles and strong bones. Fiber helps for digest food and makes functioning of intestine correctly. Proteins make child growth faster. The child can get nutrients for physical growth should take high nutrition diet. The essential food to develop the child physically must take proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and fats. Proteins we can get from dairy products like milk, curd, cheese etc. Eggs, Fish, chicken, pulses, rice, wheat, corn etc can have carbohydrates, Fruits and vegetables, leafy vegetables, nuts etc contains vitamins and minerals. We can get fats from Ghee, meat, seafood etc.

Child brain develops at the age of 5 up to 90%. For proper growth and development child needs adequate amount of nutrients. Nutrients may help the child in mental growth and development. The crucial stage of child growth is in between 2 to 10 years. During this period, there will be an improvement in physical and mental developments. If our child is a fussy eater then it may affect in nutrient deficiency. Inadequate nutrient may affect on growth of the kid. Nutrient deficiency may lead to loss of nutrients like Vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium affects immunity in child. Weaker immunity makes infections susceptible in child.
Most fussy eating children are under age below 10.Parent should be role model for child in taking healthy food. Food should never be struggle between parent and child. During meals don’t allow book, toys and other electronic games. Allow your child to make self-feeding. Make your child to recognize hungry and treat accordingly. Time gap of 3 to 4 hours must be maintained between meals and snacks. Feeding Time must not extend to 30min, even if it is insufficient food. Teach your child to eat at the table even in an appropriate way, until the parents had their food.

Today’s problem is children are addicted to computer games, televisions and more electronic gadgets, so that child may not have enough exercise. In olden days children use to play out and would have more exercise and more breath. Due to breathing more can make lungs clear. Running makes child active and it leads to hunger. If child takes proper diet at right time makes body healthy and wise. In addition to exercise, child need sound sleep as well, child grow mainly at rest time.

If you feel the child is healthy, even better consult doctor regularly. The regular checkups will be beneficial to prevent disease at starting stage. And need to know about child’s proper growth. Something’s need to be noted at the time of regular checkups.Must checks the weight of the baby, if it is gain or loss. Check if child has proper sound sleep and facing any worry-sleep. Breathing problem need to check or if any sort of difficulty. As the skin is very sensitive, common disease is skin infections. Parents should be more careful I children medicines. Without any prescription don’t experiment on your child. The dosage of medicine is mainly dependent on age of the kid.

So, Parents be careful to provide your child safe environment and avoid potential dangers.

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